Over 93% of all Donations go directly to Projects.

Under 7% for admin, fundraising, and salaries.The people of Morroco needs us.

Thank you for your continued Support

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We Provide

High Quality Nursing Care

Personalised nursing care by experienced and skilled community nurses

Supports for elderly

High quality,person centred supports for people with a disability and the elderly

Hight Intensity care

Consistent care by familiar and experienced staff

Our heart goes out to the people of Morocco.

Relief and support materials are being arranged, let us donate and help rebuild Morocco

Our mission is to help people by distributing Money and Service globally. Let us Come together and Aid the Morooco with relief materials

Total Volunteers

Meals Served

Got Shelter

Adapted Children

Help the Homeless & Hungry People.

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Our Charity Causes

If you want to work with for Save Poor charity? Send your Details. Morooco needs you

Wedrive positive change by implementing programs and initiatives that improve living conditions, empower marginalized groups, and promote equality and justice.

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Our Mission and Goals

Homeless Charities.

provide emergency shelters, transitional housing, and affordable housing options to ensure that individuals experiencing homelessness have a safe and stable place to stay..

Education Charities.

we work to ensure that every individual, regardless of their socioeconomic background, has access to education. They may provide resources, scholarships, and support to underserved communities, helping bridge the education gap.

Health Charities.

we provide essential medical services to individuals in need, including primary care, specialty care, dental care, and preventive health measures. Access to Healthcare: Many health charities work to ensure that underserved and

Animal Charities.

we rescue and provide shelter for abandoned, abused, and neglected animals, offering them a safe and caring environment while working to find them loving homes.

Food Charities.

we collect and distribute food to individuals and families facing food insecurity. They collaborate with grocery stores, farms, restaurants, and other donors to gather surplus food that would otherwise go to waste.

Eco Charities.

we work to protect and preserve ecosystems, forests, wetlands, oceans, and other natural habitats that are essential for biodiversity and the overall health of the planet.

Whom we work with